Saturday, January 26, 2013

Bird Flu found 3 case this January 2013

Three cases reported infected by ​H5N1

Phnom Penh: Ministry of Health and World Health Organization warned others three new cases reported infected by H5N1 in this January 2013 which 2 cases on children and 1 case on a 35 year old man.

Morm Bunheng Health Minister said in a news broadcast on Friday evening that "Bird Flu AH5N1 continued to harm Cambodian people health". He also added this is a three cases reported human infected and children are the most at risk for this disease. He asked parents and children care giver should take away the child from direct contact and play with domestic poultry and recommend them to wash children hand frequently with soap. If children have the symptom of short breathe or hard breathe should hurry bring them to the nearest health care and tell their history of dead poultry exposed.

For these three cases reported one had infected on an 8 month old baby boy in Chreykorng, Sankat Chormchao, Khan Po Senchey, Phnom Penh. The second case reported on a 15 year old child in Snor village, Snor Commune, Prey Kabas district, Takeo province. The last case reported infected on a 35 year old man in Trapeang Sla village, Preah Nipean commune, Kong Pisey district, Kampong Speu. All of them had history of direct exposed to dead poultry before got sick.

The last man is the 24th of the case reported in Cambodia, the 3rd in this 2013, and the 21st died of this disease. There are 15/24 cases were reported infected on children under 14 years old and 15/24 are female.

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